Our future world of travel post pandemic
For a good many years I have always welcomed in the new year with a lot of plans of things to do, sites to see, places to visit, countries to cross off my bucket list etc. etc.
I walked into 2020 with the same plans and a lot of expectations. Never did I imagine a few months later the entire world of travel will be shaken, stirred and brought to a complete standstill. COVID-19 became the most common word uttered by almost everyone. What started with feelings of uncertainty soon grew into a fear of the unknown. As COVID-19 started its global spread life as we knew it slowly started shutting down. Schools closed, curfews were put in place; lockdowns were made mandatory and social distancing became a new way of life. With international borders closed people had to remain in place with nil or minimal options of travel.
This pandemic dug out memories of the 1918 Spanish Flu which lasted for about 15 months. The world adapted and evolved ploughing through probably the worlds most deadliest medical disaster. COVID-19 is caused by a virus which in high probability is here to stay. Something we need to accept and prepare ourselves for and learn to evolve with. This is not the end and life should not stop; it will definitely slow things down however and change the way we do things. One thing we know for certain is that Change is the only constant in life – rightly said by the Greek philosopher Heraclitus. And with change comes a chance for us to do things a whole lot better by letting past experiences teach us.
So what will the future of travel look like??
In my opinion – very different… as we will need to feel safer in an airport; safer boarding a plane; safer among fellow travellers; be more aware of different country health protocols to smoothen arrival at our destinations and to ensure our safety and the safety of our fellow travellers. Travel will be only where necessary; it will take more time (probably a year or so) for us to travel for leisure.
Even then there will be quite a few things to consider before we travel – like the ones mentioned below:
I. Where am I travelling to? For how long and What should I know before I travel?
- Country health protocols
- Screening protocols at departure and arrival airports and transit points.
- Pre-screening requirements and are any health certificates required
- Avoiding travel to crowded places
- Booking flights early and choosing options with refunds in case you need to cancel
- Airport check in timings & longer waiting times at airports
- Minimal contact while checking in
- Pack lots of PPE’s (masks, gloves, hand sanitisers)
II. What do I do while travelling and what should I do when I return?
- Avoid crowded places
- More road trips with smaller groups of people
- Use self-drive rental cars
- Wash hands often and use hand sanitisers
- Maintaining social distancing and following safety protocols
- Keep a close check on your health and see a doctor when in doubt
While the world is healing itself, take this time to review your bucket list and choose your top 5 dream destinations. Use this time to start making your plans so as soon as it becomes safer to travel for leisure you will be well prepared to begin your dream adventures. You could also start planning shorter road trips in the country you are in – I’m sure there are hidden gems everywhere waiting to be explored.
Here’s to the future of travel; a future where we will be more travel smart in a travel safe world respecting other fellow travellers by following social protocols and making healthier and wiser choices. Good Luck with your planning and here’s to our next adventure!!